Great Canadian Speeches


41p4-GiUUAL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_Fitzhenry & Whiteside (2004)

Great Canadian Speeches is a national bestseller and a thought-provoking collection of the finest speeches in Canadian history, among them:

Sir John A. MacDonald making a case for Confederation, while Joseph Howe argues against it;  Louis Riel pleading his case to a Regina jury in 1885;  Nellie McClung demanding the vote for women;  Dr. Norman Bethune urging Canadians to support the Republican cause in Spain;  Pierre Trudeau and Rene Levesque facing off in the 1980 Quebec referendum;  Thomas Homer-Dixon pondering Canada’s future in an increasingly unstable world;  David Suzuki addressing environmental challenges; Jean Chretien on the Trade Tower bombing; Justin Trudeau’s “Je t’aime papa”; Stephen Lewis’ talk on AIDS and the west; and many more.

“A history of Canada as seen from the podium.” – Paul Gessell, Ottawa Citizen.

Available from: Amazon and Fitzhenry & Whiteside  (1-800-387-9776)


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